Gentle therapy with laser light
Laser medicine Stuttgart
Dr. Kreisel ranks among the world’s leading experts in the field of Photobiomodulation / Low Level Laser Therapy. When it is about this topic, he is active all over the world as a popular lecturer at congresses and seminars, trains physicians and actively takes part in the development of this promising method. His basic studies on the effects of pulsed laser irradiation on the autonomic nervous system are fundamental.
On an international level, Dr. Kreisel maintains close contacts with university research institutions such as the University of Graz. He is Vice President both of ISLA (International Society for Medical Laser Applications) and ASLAT (American Society for Laser Acupuncture Therapy), chairman of COLLL (College for Photomedicine) and lecturer in laser medicine at the Danube University Krems, Austria. He has also published several specialist books on laser medicine. In 2012 Dr. Kreisel wrote a specialist book on laser acupuncture, which has since been used internationally as a training guide. Furthermore, another groundbreaking book for Laser Field Therapy was published by Dr. Kreisel in 2018. The latest book of Dr. Kreisel was published in 2024. It presents the basics and current status of scientific research on laser acupuncture. For the first time, basic protocols and comprehensive treatment protocols for various organ systems will also be presented.

Transdermal Laser Therapy
Laser light only penetrates the skin without injuring it. A laser shower, a laser needle (laser needle acupuncture) or a K Laser Cube® is used for this treatment.

K Laser Cube® – unique technology
K Laser Cube® is based on a technology that is unique in the world and which significantly improves the effectiveness of laser therapy. In particular, this method has proven its effectiveness in pain therapy and is excellently suited for the treatment of sports medical and orthopedic disorders.
A generally improved metabolic situation through laser irradiation has positive effects on the regulation of pain perception. On a neurophysiological level, this is aiming at sustainably supporting the nerve regeneration and improving the further neuromuscular function chain. Complex movements can be done more easily. This leads to rapid and effective alleviation of pain and recovery.

Interstitial Laser Therapy
Interstitial Laser Therapy is a minimal invasive treatment method using delicate laser fibers. These fibers are inserted through the skin into the tissue or joint. Direct irradiation on the spot increases effectiveness of the therapy and offers significant advantages when treating chronic pain disorders. As laser irradiation is not dampened by skin and muscle layers, a higher laser energy dose can be achieved in the target tissue. This makes success possible even in difficult and therapy-resistant cases.
The method of Interstitial Laser Therapy has proven its effectiveness with lumboischialgia, disc prolapses and spinal canal stenosis. Hurting and inflamed tissue is directly irradiated with laser light.
Patients suffering from joint diseases such as arthrosis of the hip and/or knee joint or the shoulder can profit from an Intraarticular Laser Therapy. In this cases, a sterile laser catheter is moved forward into the affected joint.

Intravenous – Intravascular laser therapy
Intravenous or Intravascular Laser Therapy (laser blood irradiation, blood laser) is a new type of intravascular blood treatment. This method is based on biologic healing actions of low energetic lasers which lead to improvements of the absorption of oxygen and the blood circulation, show anti-inflammatory effects and activate both the cell metabolism and the production of new cells. Depending on the wavelength of light, different effects are encouraged. The combination with photosensitizers (light sensitive substances) enhances the therapeutic effect. This is called Photodynamic Therapy PDT. At the Clinic for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Kreisel uses laser light from near infrared, red, yellow, green and blue wavelength range together with photosensitizers depending on the indication.

Nail fungus treatment Stuttgart
Nail mycosis (nail fungus) is a mycotic infection of the toenails or finger nails that frequently occurs in our population. In particular, patients with metabolic or immune disorders suffer these effects, but also many athletes and people who often wear tight footwear are affected. Typically this is not – as often wrongly assumed – a hygienic problem but a weak point in the nail.
Are you wondering if laser light treatment is right for you?
Schedule a quick consultation with us today.